Prayer and God’s Praise

       Few of God’s blessings are more praiseworthy than the blessing of prayer.  Even though he lived under the old covenant without all the blessings found in Jesus being his mediator, the composer of Psalm 66 still experienced rich blessings in answer to his…

God’s Worthship–Part Two

       The English word “worship” was originally spelled “worthship”.  This etymological fact clearly exposes the fundamental purpose of worship—to acknowledge the worthiness of God in reverent joy and grateful praise.  Several psalms were written to acknowledge Jehovah’s utter praiseworthiness.  Psalm 65 is one of…

God’s Worthship–Part One

       The English word “worship” was originally spelled “worthship”.  This etymological fact clearly exposes the fundamental purpose of worship—to acknowledge the worthiness of God in reverent joy and grateful praise.  Several psalms were written to acknowledge Jehovah’s utter praiseworthiness.  Psalm 65 is one of…

Jehovah’s Praiseworthiness

       Jehovah’s praiseworthiness is like a brilliant diamond with an endless number of facets.  It is a bottomless well which can never be exhausted.  In Psalm 145:10-16, David states four facets of Jehovah’s utter praiseworthiness when he wrote, “All Your works shall praise You,…

The Praiseworthiness of Jehovah

     Like a beautiful diamond the praiseworthiness of Jehovah has many wondrous facets.  Each radiant facet is glorious in its own unique and special way.  When David penned Psalm 9, his praise of Jehovah was focused upon three of the manifold reasons for Jehovah’s…

Praising God for His Sovereignty

       In the closing verses of Psalm 103, David calls all the heavenly host to join his anthem of God’s exaltation.  He writes: “Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word.  Bless the Lord, all you His…

Praise Befitting Jehovah

     Lip service to Jehovah is far easier than the genuine praise, adoration, and service that He rightly and constantly deserves.  Calling Jesus “Lord, Lord” without obedience is like a foolish man who builds a house without a foundation (Luke 6:46-49).    Send article…

Staying Focused on the Praiseworthiness of God

The expectation cannot be stated more clearly: “Let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” (Hebrews 13:15).  Like the light of a lamp (Matthew 5:15), the praise of God is not…