The Godly’s Secret Weapon

     In worldly terms, those who serve the god of this world have every conceivable advantage over those seeking to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age.  Like Goliath, the forces of evil have an imposing, intimidating presence.  The godly’s defeat looks to…

All who Desire to Live Godly Lives

       From the days of Cain and Abel to the end of time, all who desire to live godly lives will suffer persecution and mistreatment from the ungodly.  Psalms 140-144 are five psalms ascribed to David; each is written while he was in the…

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

       In a Newsweek article published over twenty years ago (March 3, 1997), there was a special report on “How a Child’s Brain Develops”.  Although King David was not privy to any of this scientific research, he still marveled long ago: “For You formed…