Joyful Worship

      Humanity is a creature that lives in the parentheses within eternity called time.  Because of this, we talk in three tenses—past, present, and future.  In Psalm 96, each tense of time is acknowledged as containing a reason for joyful worship of Jehovah.   …

God’s Worthship–Part Two

       The English word “worship” was originally spelled “worthship”.  This etymological fact clearly exposes the fundamental purpose of worship—to acknowledge the worthiness of God in reverent joy and grateful praise.  Several psalms were written to acknowledge Jehovah’s utter praiseworthiness.  Psalm 65 is one of…

God’s Worthship–Part One

       The English word “worship” was originally spelled “worthship”.  This etymological fact clearly exposes the fundamental purpose of worship—to acknowledge the worthiness of God in reverent joy and grateful praise.  Several psalms were written to acknowledge Jehovah’s utter praiseworthiness.  Psalm 65 is one of…

The Blessings of Worship

       Jehovah—the Almighty, Holy One—is deserving of passionate, sincere worship from every heart and tongue.  Therefore, David writes: “Give unto the Lord, O you mighty ones, give unto the Lord glory and strength.  Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm…

Three Vivid Adjectives of Worship

       The second psalm in the Psalter’s “Hallelujah Chorus” (Psalms 146-150) begins with a call to worship—”Praise the Lord!  For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful” (Psalm 147:1).  These three vivid adjectives proclaim a mouthful about worship….

Focused and Purposeful Worship

       True worship of the God of heaven—the King of kings and Lord of lords—is as far from a spectator sport as you can get.  It requires the focus and purposeful involvement of your body, soul, and spirit.  It is an ongoing challenge…

Reasons for Exuberant Worship

       Worship MUST be in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).  The proper spirit for worship includes a glad anticipation of the privilege of assembling together with others of like precious faith (Psalm 122:1).  It also includes an intense joy or exuberance for the…

God’s Goodness, Pleasantness, and Greatness

       It is only fitting that the first psalm after the final Song of Ascent is an exuberant call to worship.  Once the traveling pilgrim has arrived at his destination, it is only fitting that his focus is upon joyous, heartfelt worship of Jehovah. …

Proper Motivation for Worship

       Motives matter to God.  Jesus plainly teaches that doing good so that you can be seen of men is fundamentally different than doing good so that God is glorified (Matthew 6:1ff).  Evil and pure motives are readily discerned by God.    Send article…