Praising God for His Sovereignty

       In the closing verses of Psalm 103, David calls all the heavenly host to join his anthem of God’s exaltation.  He writes: “Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word.  Bless the Lord, all you His…

Where do You Live?

       Jehovah’s extreme superiority to humanity is seen in Paul’s declaration that God “is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).  God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and our ways are not His ways (Isaiah 55:8); in…

Jehovah’s Sovereignty and Today

       Psalm 95 aptly describes how the sovereignty of God ought to have a distinct and practical two-pronged impact upon your life today.  First, the greatness of the King above all gods ought to impact your heart so that it bursts forth with joyous…

Praising Jehovah’s Sovereignty

       For the righteous, few doctrines in Scripture burst forth with greater praiseworthiness and comfort than the doctrine of Jehovah’s sovereignty.  The beginning of Psalm 95 joyously focuses upon this wondrous truth.  The resounding call to worship is trumpeted with: “Oh come, let…

Jehovah’s Sovereign Judgment

       The cross of Christ is the most glorious demonstration of the sovereignty of God.  Jesus’ death on Friday—evil’s most glorious victory in history—became Satan’s most devastating defeat on Sunday.  Just as predicted in Genesis 3:15, the seed of woman was bruised upon His…

Jehovah’s Sovereignty

       Psalm 93 is the first of three psalms that begins with the emphatic declaration: “The Lord reigns!”  Because Calvinists base their false doctrine of unconditional election and its denial of the free moral agency of humanity on their misunderstanding of God’s sovereignty, a study of…

The Comforting Shield of Jehovah’s Sovereignty

       Like the existence of God, the sovereignty of Jehovah is from everlasting to everlasting.  We live in a universe ruled by Jehovah’s natural, moral, and spiritual laws.  No creature in heaven or earth is exempt from the authority of His sovereign scepter.   …