Hope When Life’s Storms Come–Part 2

       The fact “God has not promised us smooth sailing, just safe passage” is clearly demonstrated in Psalm 35.  David is engulfed in stormy waters.  His initial response is to pray for Jehovah’s deliverance (vv. 1-8) and to anticipate his joyous response to God’s…

Hope When Life’s Storms Come (Part 1)

       No psalm better illustrates the observation that “God has not promised us smooth sailing, just safe passage” than does Psalm 35.  David is in stormy waters up to his eyes.  His ship of faith is sailing among those who: strive with him (v….

Scared to Death

       One glaring proof of the Bible’s inspiration is its complete honesty.  Noah, the builder of a massive ark which saved his family and himself, got drunk.  Lot, a preacher of righteousness, fathered two sons through incest.  Abraham, the father of the faithful, lied…

The Falsehood of Deism

       A couple of centuries ago, deism was a popular philosophy.  It taught that God created the universe, set the laws of nature in motion, and then settled back on His throne in heaven and let “nature take its course”.  He remained sovereign over…

How to Fear the Lord

       The essentiality and importance of fearing the Lord is emphatic in Scripture.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7) and wisdom (Psalm 111:10).  It is a fountain of life (Proverbs 14:27) and a universal requirement (Psalm 33:8-9).  It…

The Comforting Shield of Jehovah’s Sovereignty

       Like the existence of God, the sovereignty of Jehovah is from everlasting to everlasting.  We live in a universe ruled by Jehovah’s natural, moral, and spiritual laws.  No creature in heaven or earth is exempt from the authority of His sovereign scepter.   …

The Pristine Praiseworthiness of Jehovah

       Anyone addicted to selfies has failed to understand the genuine praiseworthiness of Jehovah.  Unlike the person in the selfie, “the word of the Lord is right, and all His work is done in truth.  He loves righteousness and justice” (Psalm 33:4-5).     Send article as PDF   

The Beauty of God’s Praise

       Anthropomorphic language is a fancy name for the use of human traits to describe truths about God.  Since God is spirit, He has no physical body; therefore, He does not literally have eyes, ears, and hands.  But, He does see, hear, and do. …

David’s Counsel on Sin

       Few Bible characters have more extensive inspired documentation of the devastating consequences of personal sin than David has.  Just as God’s prophet had promised (2 Samuel 12:10-11), the final chapters of David’s life (2 Samuel 13-24) bear solemn witness to the fact that…