David’s Counsel to Jeduthun

       A problem which is not worth praying about is not worth discussing with others.  This is at the heart of David’s counsel to Jeduthun in Psalm 39 as he tackles the question of “How do you handle yourself with wisdom when your heart…

The Way of the Transgressor

       David is a Bible character of extreme contrasts.  On the one hand, he was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14); he enjoyed extraordinary, blissful, and sweet fellowship with Jehovah.  On the other hand, he was also a man who experienced…

Seven Rules for Wise Living

       There is no substitute for experience.  The wisdom of a righteous person with the hoary frost of time upon his head is invaluable.  Psalm 37 was written by David as an old man (v. 25).  It is possible that this was the last…

The Essentiality of Godly Fear

       According to Psalm 36:1-4 pride, hatred, wickedness, deceit, folly, evil deeds, and a lack of abhorrence of evil are the bitter tares that grow when the fear of God is missing in the soil of your heart.  A healthy fear of God is…

The Grandeur of God’s Glory

       Though they are polar opposites, the exceeding sinfulness of the wicked’s transgression (Psalm 36:1-4) and the grandeur of God’s glory (Psalm 36:5-9) are both underestimated.  David’s thoughtful meditation on the splendor of Jehovah’s majesty is worthy of deliberate scrutiny and reflective consideration.   …

The Transgression of the Wicked

       When painting a portrait of sin, no Bible writer uses whitewash or pastel colors.  David’s somber words in Psalm 36:1-4 highlight three gruesome truths about the wicked as they defiantly transgress God’s holy and loving boundaries.    Send article as PDF   

Hope When Life’s Storms Come–Part 2

       The fact “God has not promised us smooth sailing, just safe passage” is clearly demonstrated in Psalm 35.  David is engulfed in stormy waters.  His initial response is to pray for Jehovah’s deliverance (vv. 1-8) and to anticipate his joyous response to God’s…