Misplaced and Well-Placed Faith

       The bulk of Psalm 146 is a contrast between misplaced faith in humanity (verses 3 and 4) and well-placed faith in God (verses 5 to 10).  Here, it is written: “Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in…

The Original Hallelujah Chorus

        Though George Frideric Handel’s masterpiece was called the “Hallelujah Chorus”, the original composition preceded it by over 2,500 years.  The final five psalms in the Psalter begin and end with the same exuberant exclamation “Praise the Lord!” (which translates the Hebrew word “hallelujah”).   …

Jehovah’s Praiseworthiness

       Jehovah’s praiseworthiness is like a brilliant diamond with an endless number of facets.  It is a bottomless well which can never be exhausted.  In Psalm 145:10-16, David states four facets of Jehovah’s utter praiseworthiness when he wrote, “All Your works shall praise You,…

Focused and Purposeful Worship

       True worship of the God of heaven—the King of kings and Lord of lords—is as far from a spectator sport as you can get.  It requires the focus and purposeful involvement of your body, soul, and spirit.  It is an ongoing challenge…

The Blessedness of Being God’s People

       Because of its inferiority, the primary focus of the God’s old covenant (made with Israel) is upon physical blessings and material wealth.  In the new and better (i.e. vastly superior) covenant, the focus is upon spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3) and eternal wealth (Matthew…