Reasons for Not Quitting

       NOWHERE in Scripture does God say that walking by faith is easy.  Luke 9:57-62 records Jesus’ encounters with three potential disciples.  His responses to their individual interest are weighty.  To the final would-be follower, He stated, “No one, having put his hand to…

Thanksgiving for the Past and the Present

       Psalm 66 throbs with praise and thanksgiving like voltage from a huge electric generator.  From its initial burst of “Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth!” (v. 1) to its conclusion of “Blessed be God Who has not turned away…

Thank God for His Goodness

       The theme of Psalm 107 is easy to determine.  “Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” echoes resoundingly through the psalm (see vv. 8, 15, 21, 31).  In various settings of life, the…

Spiritual Hedonism

       Hedonism is the belief that pleasure ought to be the goal of one’s life.  Spiritual hedonism is the belief that one’s life ought to be one continuous joy ride in communion with God.  Neither belief is taught in God’s word.    Send article…

What Living by Faith Looks Like

     One of Edgar Guest’s more famous poems begins with the line “I’d rather see a sermon.”  Like sheep, humans need a leader to follow; like young students in school, humans need a pattern to imitate.  When Jesus was asked “Who is my neighbor?”…

One of God’s “Nicknames”

     There is no Bible book that has any more frequent and more picturesque descriptions of God than does the book of Psalms.  Such metaphors as shield, rock, refuge, shelter, fortress, stronghold, shepherd, light, defense, hiding place lavishly nourish a hungry, meditative soul.  Because…

Predictive Prophecies in the Psalms

       Predictive prophecy is the seminal proof of the Bible’s divine authorship.  It is what infallibly proves that the sixty-six books of the Scriptures are unique from all others.  It is what clearly demonstrates that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, written revelation of…