Your Children’s Children

       “If I had known that grandchildren were this much fun, I would’ve had them first” is a sentiment expressed by several grandparents I know.  The composer of Psalm 128 connects the thought of enjoying God’s blessing and being a grandparent when he writes:…

Olive Plants

       Like most Americans, I am not familiar with the cultivation of olives.  Therefore, it is easy for me to glean nothing from the simile used in Psalm 128:3—” Your children like olive plants…”  With a little research, I have learned several powerful facts about olives…

Vines and Plants

        One of the fundamental challenges of being a parent is the responsibility of recognizing and cultivating a child’s uniqueness.  Some parents assume that since a child looks a lot like a certain member of the family or has been named after someone(s) in…

The Good Life

       Many false definitions of what the good life consists have been foisted upon humanity.  At the heart of each of these erroneous definitions is the rejection of the wise counsel to “fear God and keep His commandments” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).    Send article as…