God’s Marvelous Work

       The paradox of the cross is that Calvary was man at his worst and God at His best; it was the darkest hour of humanity’s wretched history, yet the brightest moments for human redemption.  The stone which the builders rejected at Golgotha became…

The Lord is my Helper

       The false doctrine of deism has been around for many years.  This unbiblical concept teaches that God created the universe (wound it up like a clock), then crossed His Almighty arms and watched the events of history unfold as an aloof and passive…

Jesus’ Final Song

       “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives” (Matthew 26:30).  According to Jewish tradition, Psalms 113 and 114 were sung prior to the Passover meal and Psalms 115 through 118 were sung after its completion.  As…