On Earth as It is in Heaven
There is no more stringent standard for measuring human obedience on earth than the one Jesus gives in Matthew 6:10: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Send article as PDF
There is no more stringent standard for measuring human obedience on earth than the one Jesus gives in Matthew 6:10: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Send article as PDF
As taught in Jesus’ model prayer, the fatherhood of God (Matthew 6:9) ought to heighten your desire to pray; the sacredness of God (Matthew 6:9) ought to purify your focus in prayer; the sovereignty of God (Matthew 6:10) ought to strengthen your confidence…
Jesus’ building of His church as a promise made in Matthew 16:18 and a promise kept in Acts 2 is history’s most stunning and enduring proof of God’s sovereignty and providence. His ability to take a multitude of moving parts and work all…
Since its inception in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost—seven weeks after Jesus’ resurrection—the church (the kingdom Jesus prayed for in Matthew 6:10) has faced perpetual denigration by Satan and his allies. This ought not be surprising because “what is highly esteemed among…
A Christian’s prayer closet (Matthew 6:6) is his secret passageway into Jehovah’s throne room. Send article as PDF
Satan delights in profaning the sacred. Treating important, weighty, holy matters as frivolous, trivial, and worthless thrills the devil’s wicked soul. Sacrilege is his continuous pursuit. Send article as PDF
In teaching us how to prayer, Jesus begins with a most stunning instruction—address the intended Audience of your prayers as “our Father, the heavens’ One” (literal translation). Send article as PDF
Jesus’ model prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 is neither an incantation which can be mindlessly recited and result in automatic blessings nor a substitute for prayer. Send article as PDF
Insincere, impure, and unrighteous reasons for prayer are unbecoming of its intended recipient. God is holy, holy, holy (Isaiah 6:3); therefore, our reasons for seeking His glorious and august audience ought to be sincere, pure, and befitting. In Jesus’…
Insincere, impure, and unrighteous reasons for prayer are unbecoming of its intended recipient. God is holy, holy, holy (Isaiah 6:3); therefore, our reasons for seeking His glorious and august audience ought to be sincere, pure, and befitting. In Jesus’ model prayer (Matthew 6:9-13),…