The Message of Psalm 49

       The message of Psalm 49 is universal.  It is for all people, all the inhabitants of the world (v. 1).  It is for all classes of people—both low and high, rich and poor (v. 2).  Those who incline their ear to listen attentively…

Great is the Lord and His Praiseworthiness

       The tendency of human nature is to slip into worship that is lethargic, half-hearted, and simply “going through the motions”.  It must be resisted vigorously and constantly.  The Lord of hosts is a great King (Malachi 1:14) who receives passionate glory, honor, and…

God’s Unchanging Worthiness

       The spirit with which you worship God matters.  Jesus declared to the Samaritan woman that “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).  “Must worship in spirit…” is not a mere suggestion.    Send article…

A Royal Wedding–Part 2

       When God’s word concerning marriage is understood and obeyed, few things in life are more anticipated than the day of one’s wedding.  In Psalm 45, the pen of its ready writer portrays the groom’s splendor in verses 2 to 9.  Unlike any earthly…

A Royal Wedding–Part 1

A Royal Wedding—Part 1      Through the centuries, the pomp and pageantry of royal weddings have been of keen interest to many people.  Nothing within the superscription or the text of Psalm 45 indicates the specific persons involved in the wedding that is the occasion…

When Life Does Not Make Sense

       Someone has wryly noted that “it is hard to see the big picture when you’re inside the frame.”  Because of our extremely limited perspective, life does not always make sense to us.  This was the case for the penman of Psalm 44.   …

Battling Depression

       Some difficulties in life may go away without a fight.  Depression, however, is not one of them.  Psalms 42 and 43 indicate that the dark foe called depression attacked David and sought to overwhelm and destroy him and his faith using three tidal…