Living by Faith

       A continuous challenge of faith is to view God as He has actually revealed Himself in Scripture.  Since He is a person—not a philosophy or a fantasy—a Biblically-based belief in Him necessitates an accurate faith that expresses itself in practical ways in our…

Things Money Cannot Buy

      The ability of money is slight when compared to its weighty inability.  Money can buy a house, but it cannot purchase a home.  Money can obtain medicine, but it cannot secure health.  Money can pay for entertainment, but it cannot buy happiness.  Money…

The Message of Psalm 49

       The message of Psalm 49 is universal.  It is for all people, all the inhabitants of the world (v. 1).  It is for all classes of people—both low and high, rich and poor (v. 2).  Those who incline their ear to listen attentively…