All who Desire to Live Godly Lives

       From the days of Cain and Abel to the end of time, all who desire to live godly lives will suffer persecution and mistreatment from the ungodly.  Psalms 140-144 are five psalms ascribed to David; each is written while he was in the…

The Lifeline of Comfort in Affliction

       Persecution and mistreatment are facts of life for God’s people (2 Timothy 3:12; Matthew 5:10-11).  Much of Israel’s history was written by its enemies in blood-red ink.  Psalm 129 affirms this fact: “Many a time they have afflicted me from my youth, let Israel now…

Rejoicing When Persecuted

       “The lives of the Royal family are governed by a rigid set of rules from which there can be no deviation.  Nothing is left to chance in these matters, for there is at Buckingham Palace a private handbook in which is set down…

What to Do When the Inevitable Happens–conclusion

       From Psalm 7, it has already been noted that David did the following things in response to the vicious persecution and slander of Cush the Benjamite.  First, he declares his unwavering faith in Jehovah and his confidence in God’s deliverance (v. 1);…

What to Do When the Inevitable Happens–Part 1

     Like the vast majority of Scripture, you will need help to misunderstand Paul’s simple declaration: “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2nd Timothy 3:12).  Jesus Himself said “when”, not “if” when He stated, “Blessed are you when…