The Eye of the Storm

       Although Satan sought to get Jesus to act presumptuously instead of obediently based upon his wresting of Psalm 91, this composition is most illustrative of our Lord’s life.  He lived in great peace while in the midst of titanic spiritual conflict and grave…

Oh, What a Kiss!

       One of the reasons for Jesus’ incarnation was to bring abundant life (John 10:10).  To do this, humanity had to be reconciled to God so that there could be peace—the full satisfaction of God’s wrath toward humanity’s transgressions and lawlessness and the cessation…

Genuine Peace

       The annals of history are crowded with numerous people—known and unknown—who desired but never found peace.  Like an elusive shadow, they never could quite lay hold of that which would calm their restless, fevered spirit.  In Psalm 131, David gives three valuable insights…