How to Cultivate Righteous Lips

            Like any piece of fertile soil, an honest and good heart must be carefully and purposefully cultivated to produce the fruit of righteousness. When your heart is properly protected and tended to, the abundant harvest will include righteous lips.    Send article as…

Three Ugly Truths about an Unrighteous Mouth

            “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord.’ But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne;  nor by the earth, for…

Games People Play

            It is impossible to be righteous and not be a person of your word. It is impossible to be righteousness without integrity. It is impossible to be righteous without being intentionally conscientious about your “yeas” and “nays”.    Send article as PDF   

Fidelity to Your Word

            It ought not come as any surprise that Jesus’ sermon on righteousness addresses fidelity to one’s word (Matthew 5:33-37) immediately after discussing unlawful divorce (Matthew 5:31-32). One significant reason why Jehovah hates divorce is because at least one person in any divorce has…