“…with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption” (Hebrews 9:12).
There is nothing temporary or stopgap about God’s plan of human redemption in Christ Jesus. A denial of this truth is the taproot and essential premise of premillennialism.
Because the atoning sacrifice of Christ is eternally valid, the redemption it procures is perfect in its nature and eternal in its effect. The day will never dawn in which is efficacy has diminished in any way.
Because the atoning sacrifice of Christ is eternally valid, it will never need to be repeated; it had no flaws or inadequacies in it.
Because the atoning sacrifice of Christ is eternally valid, the redemption God offers every sinner is of an imperishable quality. Its caliber surpasses the realm and sphere of time. The passage of time cannot corrode its quality in any way.
Yet, premillennialism denies the wondrous, eternal redemption found in the new covenant; it proclaims the resumption of animal sacrifices at the temple in Jerusalem for a thousand years.
What egregious blasphemy!