The Dazzling Beauty of Scripture

The Lord has sworn and will not relent, ‘You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek’” (Psalm 110:4).

A hallmark of a dazzling diamond is the way it sparkles because of its many facets. Changing the location or intensity of the light shone on it does not decrease its sparkling appearance. Its innate beauty just radiates from different facets.

The Scriptures are like a lustrous diamond. The same inspired passage can be viewed from a variety of perspectives, and each new focus bursts forth into the incredible beauty of profound truth. Hebrews 7 is a noteworthy example of this characteristic of Scripture. As the predictive prophecy of Psalm 110:4 is examined from different perspectives, brilliant truths shine brightly.

First, David’s words are considered from the perspective of “the order of Melchizedek” in verses 1-14.

Next, “You are a priest forever” is thrust under inspiration’s light in verses 15-19 and then again in verses 23-28.

Also, “The Lord has sworn” is examined in verses 20-22.

The profound, multi-faceted beauty of the Scriptures is another one of the many infallible proofs of its divine inspiration.

May we, like the Psalmist (Psalm 119:161), ever stand in awe of God’s word.

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Author: jchowning

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