Romans 14:1-15:13 is the greatest treatise on liberty of conscience. No greater, more succinct discourse has ever been written. The sturdy pillars of liberty of conscience include:
A clear distinction between common beliefs embraced by all and matters of conscience which are unique and personal.
A recognition of the ever-besetting human tendency to have an arrogant sense of superiority over those whose opinions differ from one’s own.
An abiding respect for another’s sincere beliefs.
The impossibility of divorcing love of Christ from loving one’s brother or sister in Christ.
The correct purpose and use of spiritual strength—to build up, aid, and assist others, not weaken or destroy.
The universal right of salvation for all who become citizens of the kingdom of heaven.
The pressing need of the weak and vulnerable for warm and loving acceptance as they mature.
God’s preeminent and practical example of love, acceptance, and fellowship.