Your Children’s Children

       “If I had known that grandchildren were this much fun, I would’ve had them first” is a sentiment expressed by several grandparents I know.  The composer of Psalm 128 connects the thought of enjoying God’s blessing and being a grandparent when he writes:…

Olive Plants

       Like most Americans, I am not familiar with the cultivation of olives.  Therefore, it is easy for me to glean nothing from the simile used in Psalm 128:3—” Your children like olive plants…”  With a little research, I have learned several powerful facts about olives…

Vines and Plants

        One of the fundamental challenges of being a parent is the responsibility of recognizing and cultivating a child’s uniqueness.  Some parents assume that since a child looks a lot like a certain member of the family or has been named after someone(s) in…

The Good Life

       Many false definitions of what the good life consists have been foisted upon humanity.  At the heart of each of these erroneous definitions is the rejection of the wise counsel to “fear God and keep His commandments” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).    Send article as…

Faith in the Face of Wickedness

       The hardest questions of life are hurled at the righteous when his faith is under an all-out assault by Satan.  In the day of Psalm 10’s composition, the wicked in their haughtiness were successfully mistreating and oppressing the poor (v. 2).  How brazen…

What to Do When the Inevitable Happens–conclusion

       From Psalm 7, it has already been noted that David did the following things in response to the vicious persecution and slander of Cush the Benjamite.  First, he declares his unwavering faith in Jehovah and his confidence in God’s deliverance (v. 1);…

How to Turn a Sigh Into a Song

       If you have ever wondered why it seems that God is distant when you feel overwhelmed by troubles, then take comfort in the fact that you are not alone.  The psalmist expressed this very feeling when he asked: “Why do You stand…

Praise God for His Holiness

     Every person has an innate moral capacity that compels him to think in terms of right and wrong.  If educated thoroughly by God’s Word, one will abhor that which is evil and cling to that which is good.  If educated incorrectly, one will…

God’s Righteous Judgment

     Since the introduction of sin into human history the wrath of God has been and is being revealed from heaven against all human ungodliness and unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).  Because Jehovah has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11), He is…

The Praiseworthiness of Jehovah

     Like a beautiful diamond the praiseworthiness of Jehovah has many wondrous facets.  Each radiant facet is glorious in its own unique and special way.  When David penned Psalm 9, his praise of Jehovah was focused upon three of the manifold reasons for Jehovah’s…