The Truth about Spiritual Fools

       In an everchanging world that is destined to be annihilated when Jesus returns, the unchanging Jehovah is the only constant.  It is the pinnacle of spiritual folly to reject the truth that God is and He is a rewarder of those who diligently…

The Truth about Atheism

       Like TNT, the Biblical word “fool” is a powerful word that must be used with extreme care and caution.  Jesus solemnly warns against its misuse in Matthew 5:22.  In the eyes of God, a fool (Greek word—moros) is a spiritual moron.  Only…

Transforming “How Long?” into “Hold on!”

       Because He is eternal, God does not have the same perception of time as humanity does.  One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day (2nd Peter 3:8); therefore, there were occasions which arose…

Good News in the Midst of Fake News

       The old advice of “Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see” seems quite wise in an age that is saturated with fake news.  On several occasions in His earthly ministry, Jesus warned of the possibility of a…

The God of Hope

       The setting of Psalm 12 is David’s observation of the cessation of godliness in his fellow citizens; the faithful have disappeared from David’s view (v. 1).  Rather than despairing in such bleak circumstances, David’s focuses upon Jehovah, the God of hope.  Because…

Reasons for Hope in Dark Days

       Dark and difficult days are a fact of life.  Paul spoke to Timothy of “perilous days” (2nd Timothy 3:1).   About a thousand years prior, David cried: “Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases! For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men”…

Stinking Thinking

       The lie that “it does not matter what you believe” always bears the most noxious fruit.  Ideas have consequences.  Every belief produces actions which logically correspond to it.  There is a universe of difference between “Thou shalt surely die” and “Thou shalt not…