Getting out of the Deep, Dark Pit of Depression
Few people have fought their way out of the deep, dark pit of depression better than David and Job did. Each did it without a medical doctor’s prescription! Send article as PDF
Few people have fought their way out of the deep, dark pit of depression better than David and Job did. Each did it without a medical doctor’s prescription! Send article as PDF
In Psalms 42 and 43 we find David in the deep, dark pit of depression. Because of all the superficial, always-be-positive cheap imitations of faith in our world today, the thought of a godly man having to deal with depression is unthinkable. Yet,…
Because He was made like His brethren in all things, Jesus experienced the vile and vicious treatment described in Psalm 41:7-9. Here it is written: “All who hate me whisper together against me; against me they devise my hurt. ‘An evil disease,’ they say, ‘clings to him. …
The law of sowing and reaping is universal—you reap what you sow, you reap later than you sow, and you should reap more than you sow. Though there may be occasions in your life when it appears that this law has been violated,…
The transmission—or copying—of the books of the Bible is a most amazing study. Prior to the creation of papyrus (the ancient equivalent of paper) and thus the ability to put all the books of Scripture into one volume, each Bible book was contained…
The Bible is full of beatitudes. The book of Revelation alone has seven in it. The greatest sermon in human history begins with an entire octave of beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10). The very first word in the book of Psalms is “blessed”. Psalm 40:4 pronounces…
The most frequently recorded exhortation of Jesus involves using one’s ears to hear. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” is found eight times and “He who has an ear, let him hear” is found seven times in the New Testament. …
The Bible’s objectivity eliminates the possibility of flattery or undeserved praise. Therefore, when David is described by an inspired penman as being a man after God’s own heart, a wise Bible student diligently seeks to identify and then imitate those godly characteristics he…
As the apostle Paul was tracing God’s scarlet thread of redemption from the Jewish patriarchs to Jesus while preaching in the synagogue in Antioch of Pisdia (Acts 13:14ff), he quotes God’s description of David: “a man after My own heart who will do…
Time waits for no one. The cadence of its march never increases or decreases; it is relentlessly, ruthlessly steady. It was created prior to the formation of Adam and Eve; its genesis is declared in the very first three words of Scripture. …