What Living by Faith Looks Like

     One of Edgar Guest’s more famous poems begins with the line “I’d rather see a sermon.”  Like sheep, humans need a leader to follow; like young students in school, humans need a pattern to imitate.  When Jesus was asked “Who is my neighbor?”…

Wise and Unwise Faith

       Like Adam and Eve, every human must decide a most critical question:  Will I live by wise or unwise faith?  We must decide in whom we will place our trust.  The choices are mutually exclusive and eternally significant.  Our options are clearly…

Misplaced and Well-Placed Faith

       The bulk of Psalm 146 is a contrast between misplaced faith in humanity (verses 3 and 4) and well-placed faith in God (verses 5 to 10).  Here, it is written: “Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in…

Transforming “How Long?” into “Hold on!”

       Because He is eternal, God does not have the same perception of time as humanity does.  One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day (2nd Peter 3:8); therefore, there were occasions which arose…