A common reason many people find the book of Hebrews a daunting challenge is because they are not sufficiently familiar with the Old Testament books of Exodus and Leviticus. Trying to study Hebrews without a sturdy, working knowledge of Exodus 20-40 and all of Leviticus is a major handicap.
With just the words and terms found in Hebrews 9:1-13, note how well the accuracy of this need for preliminary reading is demonstrated: “…divine service…the earthly sanctuary…tabernacle…the lampstand, the table…the showbread…the second veil…the Holiest of All…the golden censer and the ark of the covenant…the golden pot…the manna, Aaron’s rod…the tablets of the covenant…the cherubim of glory…the mercy seat…the first part of the tabernacle…the second part…the high priest…once a year…sins committed in ignorance…gifts and sacrifices… foods and drinks, various washings…fleshly ordinances…the blood of goats and calves…the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean.”
While it is true the old covenant—by divine design (see yesterday’s post)—became obsolete, grew old, and vanished away as God’s authoritative rule of law (Hebrews 8:13), ignorance of the Old Testament is not bliss. Rather, it is essential preliminary reading for an accurate understanding of the new covenant.