Those Who Eagerly Await

“…To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation” (Hebrews 9:28).

Waiting for Christ’s return is a Biblical concept which has been misunderstood on occasion. From the two epistles Paul sent to the Thessalonians, it appears that several Christians in the first century needed correction and further instruction on how to properly wait for Christ’s return. Here are three basics on the matter:

Every Christian ought to be waiting Christ’s second appearance/final coming (Luke 12:35-40). Failing to do so is sin which leads to sinful living, which is a blatant dereliction of duty, which will be severely, yet appropriately, punished (Luke 12:42-48).

Every Christian ought to be confidently waiting for Christ’s second appearance/final coming. The only question about this upcoming event in history is “When?”; it has no “If?” Even though Jesus Himself did not know the exact day and hour (Matthew 24:36), He was absolutely clear that He would appear again (John 14:1-3). The certainty of every Christian’s hope is rooted in the certainty of Christ’s second appearance/final coming.

Every Christian ought to be eagerly waiting for Christ’s second appearance/final coming. As a bride and groom live in eager anticipation of their wedding day, as a weary traveler lives in growing readiness for his upcoming trip home, the blood-bought child of God ought to have a keen desire to personally join the throng around heaven’s throne which joyously extols God’s praises.

Waiting. Confidently waiting. Eagerly waiting.

Are you?

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Author: jchowning

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