Jesus’ Superior Priesthood

The heart of the book of Hebrews is found in 7:1-10:18. Having wanted to address the High Priesthood of Christ earlier, the inspired penman had refrained because his readers were “dull of hearing” (5:10-11). This prompted a plainspoken and sobering rebuke of their shameful lack of spiritual growth caused by spiritual laziness (5:12-6:18) before he can return to the subject of Jesus’ priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek (6:19-20).

Starting in chapter seven, four colossal proofs of the superiority of Jesus’ High Priesthood are given:

  1. Jesus’ priesthood is superior to the Old Testament’s because Jesus came from a superior order—Melchizedek/one who was both king and priest (ch. 7).

  2. Jesus’ priesthood is superior to the Old Testament’s because it is authorized in a better covenant which was established on better promises (ch. 8).

  3. Jesus’ priesthood is superior to the Old Testament’s because His priestly service is done in a superior (i.e., heavenly) sanctuary (ch. 9).

  4. Jesus’ priesthood is superior to the Old Testament’s because of the superiority of the atoning sacrifice it is rooted in (ch. 10).

The Latin word for priest is pontifex; it means “bridge builder”. This is an excellent way to describe the function of a priest—his job is to bridge the gulf between God and sinners by means of the atoning sacrifices God has authorized. Each of these four massive reasons is sufficient to demonstrate the incalculable superiority of Jesus’ priesthood. Together, these four reasons are irrefutable proof that no one can build a bridge to God as Jesus did (John 14:6).

Your religion is only as good as its bridge!

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Author: jchowning

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