“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).
There is much about God and His providence which is beyond the scope of divine revelation and human comprehension. The four powerful declarations found in this verse, however, are not. These trumpet blasts of truth deserve our reverent meditation, frequent contemplation, and joyous acceptation.
God works. Deism is a lie. Our world is not ruled by chance or luck or fate. It is governed by a Sovereign on a throne (Revelation 4:2).
God works for good. Jehovah’s unrivaled, preeminent concern is your spiritual well-being. It is not your comfort, your convenience, or your ease; instead, it is your justification, your sanctification, and your glorification.
God works for good in all things. His sovereignty is unlimited. His dynamic power can transform humanity’s most dastardly deed at Calvary into its sweet redemption on resurrection Sunday. Nothing is beyond the knowledge of Jehovah’s omniscience. Nothing lies outside the dominion of His omnipotence.
God works good for those who love Him unreservedly. Though He makes His sun to shine on the evil and on the good (Matthew 5:45), His synergetic activity of providence is focused upon those who love Him and are wholeheartedly pursuing His rule and righteousness in their lives.
There are many secret things about God and His providence that belong exclusively to Him, but these four revealed truths belong to us and our fervent embrace.