Always for All Things


          “giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20).

          There is nothing wrong about having a national day of Thanksgiving, provided Christians know that thanksgiving day is every day, especially today.

          Thanksgiving is something a Christian should always be doing. According to Paul’s graphic description of the slippery slope of sin in Romans 1:18-32, a failure to glorify God and express gratitude to Him (v. 21) are near the top of that horrific decline which catapults ingrates into further spiritual uncleanness, vile passions, and debased minds.

          Thanksgiving is to be for all things. Not everything in life is fun and pleasant. Though the trials of life are difficult, they can be rejoiced in because of the spiritual fruit they can produce (James 1:2-4). Since they can be beneficial, we are to be thankful for them.

          “Always for all things” sets an incredibly high, but possible, standard of behavior for those who are being filled with God’s Holy Spirit. It is impossible for those who are not.

          Do you give thanks always for all things?

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Author: jchowning

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