“A proud look” (Proverbs 6:16-17).
In God’s “Top Seven” of things He abominates (Proverbs 6:16-19), PRIDE—which, like sin, has I right in the middle of it—tops the list.
There is nothing more destructive to its possessor. It is spiritual cyanide. It is an atomic warhead of the soul. It is Satan’s most lethal weapon.
Pride is the soil from which all other sins grow. It hardens your heart; it blinds the eyes of your soul; it blights and destroys your spirit. Its mote can easily be detected in another’s eye, while you are impervious to its beam in your own. The stench of this noxious weed is easy to detect in others but is pleasant and underestimated when grown in your own heart.
A proud look. Haughty eyes. A big ego. An inflated sense of self-importance. Thinking too highly of yourself. Believing I to be of equal or greater significance than I AM. The unholy trinity of Me, Myself, and I. Regardless of how it is identified, pride is humanity’s greatest enemy. It is the boulder which must be eradicated by anyone who desires the blessedness of being poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3).
Pride is your deadliest, fiercest, tireless foe. So, of course, the God who loves you so much abominates it.