The setting of Psalm 12 is David’s observation of the cessation of godliness in his fellow citizens; the faithful have disappeared from David’s view (v. 1). Rather than despairing in such bleak circumstances, David’s focuses upon Jehovah, the God of hope. Because of his focus, David has the light of confident expectation, not the darkness of gloomy helplessness.
Jehovah is the God of hope, because:
- He sees. He is omniscient (v. 5). He knows when the poor are being oppressed. He knows when the needy sigh.
- He rewards. He is just (v. 5). He arises to reward the good and to punish the evildoer.
- He delivers. He is salvation (v. 5). He does set the oppressed and sighing in the safety for which they yearn.
- He communicates. He is trustworthy (v. 6). His words are pure words; they are free from any impurity. He cannot lie (Titus 1:2). He cannot even be tempted to lie (James 1:13).
- He keeps. He is faithful (v. 7). He protects and preserves His word and His people.
Optimistic confidence in God is not wishful thinking; it is hopeful thinking. When the evil doers around you increase, don’t be wishful; be hopeful.