Wisdom’s Credentials

  Artists, architects, engineers, and advisors all have portfolios—a visual compilation of past accomplishments.  These are designed to validate their credentials.  No matter how impressive anyone can make his credentials appear, they are woefully puny when placed alongside wisdom’s portfolio.    Send article as PDF…

The Blessings of Genuine Philosophy

       There are few investments in this life that can rival the earthly and eternal dividends that wisdom has.  Solomon wrote its investment prospectus as follows: “By me kings reign, and rulers decree justice.  By me, princes rule, and nobles, all the judges of…

What Genuine Philosophy Offers

       Most university catalogs give a brief course description of each class it offers.  This description enables a student and his/her academic advisor to better determine which courses to choose when enrolling each term.  Proverbs 8:12-14 contains a brief course description of genuine philosophy…

Genuine Philosophy

       In its original form, the word “philosophy” meant “love of wisdom”.  It was of intense concern to the ancient Greeks who coined the word.  In his two-chapter prelude (Proverbs 8-9) to the compilation of his succinct and pithy proverbs (chapters 10-29), Solomon focuses…

Solomon’s Final Exhortation on Fornication

       Solomon’s father committed adultery.  Therefore, he knew up close and personally what devastation this spiritual landmine causes.  Perhaps this is one reason why he devotes so much space in Proverbs 5, 6, and 7 to instructing his sons concerning it.    Send article…

Solomon’s Graphic Similes of Adultery’s Dangers

         Satan’s propaganda on adultery is that it is glamorous, sophisticated, invigorating.  Since he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44), this contradiction of God’s word should surprise no one.    Send article as PDF   

Solomon’s Portrait of a Virtue-less Woman

       A virtuous woman is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10, 30-31).  A virtue-less woman is a menace to society and ought to be avoided.  Solomon graphically describes her with these words: “And there a woman met him, with the attire of a harlot, and a…

The Folly Which Fuels Fornication

       There is no virtue in being a spiritual simpleton who is void of understanding.  There are no new temptations (1 Corinthians 10:13); therefore, there is no excuse for not knowing the folly which fuels a life-shattering sin like fornication.  In Proverbs 7:6-9 Solomon…

How to Build a Rock-Solid Life

       One of the consistent characteristics of inspired counsel is its conciseness.  In one sentence, Jesus declared all it takes to build a rock-solid life (cf. Matthew 7:24-25).  A thousand years prior, Solomon pinpointed the building blocks necessary for a rock-solid life with these…