Practical Applications

No inspired treatise of exhortation is complete without some practical applications. Though the penman of Hebrews does not begin with a “therefore” to introduce these (as Romans 12:1, Ephesians 4:17, and Colossians 2:20 do) or a “finally” (as Philippians 3:1 and 1 Thessalonians 4:1 do), the earthly evidence of a heavenly faith is non-negotiable.

For those who are purposefully hearing and heeding Him who speaks from heaven and are seeking to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear, the following attributes will characterize them:

  • Brotherly love (v. 1).
  • Hospitality (v. 2).
  • Sympathy for the suffering (v. 3).
  • A holy respect for the sanctity of marriage (v. 4).
  • Lack of covetousness (v. 5).
  • Contentment (v. 5).
  • Fearlessness (v. 6).
  • Respect for and obedience to those with spiritual authority over them (vv. 7, 17).
  • Rejection of “various and strange” (I.e., false) doctrines (v. 9).
  • Unwavering loyalty to Christ, not to anyone or anything else (vv. 10-14).
  • A continual sacrifice of praise to God by lips and life (vv. 15-16).
  • Prayerfulness and concern for others (vv. 18-19).
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Author: jchowning

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