“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you…” (Romans 12:1).
Praise to God for the glorious gospel of His grace is hollow and irksome if there is no plain and practical obedience to its commands and its precepts in your daily life. The One to whom all praise and glory are due is the same One to whom obedience and lifelong service are due.
In the next major section of Romans (12:1-15:13), the apostle Paul puts in simple, yet powerful, terms the impact the gospel is to have on you and your relationship to:
God (12:1-2)
yourself (12:3-8)
your brethren in Christ (12:9-16)
your enemies (12:17-21)
civil authorities (13:1-7)
the Law of Moses (13:8-10)
the day of Christ’s coming (13:11-14)
your stronger and weaker brethren in Christ (14:1-15:13)
Christianity is not an idealistic, pie-in-the-sky philosophy or a once-a-week religion; it is a way of life. Obeying the gospel is to impact and permeate every aspect of your life.
The gospel provides eternal life in the hereafter. It gives instructions for daily life here and now.