Jesus’ final illustration in the sermon on the mount is rooted in the truth that every person is a housebuilder. Some are wise; some are foolish (Matthew 7:24-27).
Spiritual growth and development are fundamentally a personal responsibility. The prophet Jude recognizes this truth when he wrote, “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith (v. 20).
The faith (Jude 3) provides a firm foundation on which a wise builder can forge an obedient life which withstands life’s storms. This structure cannot be built for you by subcontractors; it cannot be inherited from your ancestors; it cannot be purchased pre-manufactured and then transferred into your possession.
You must build it.
Therefore, beloved, I commend you to God and the word of His grace which is able to build you up (Acts 20:32), so that you build yourself up on the most holy faith.