“…For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’” (Hebrews 13:5).
None is more tenacious in faithfulness than Jehovah. Even when we may choose to be faithless, God remains faithful. It is an integral component of His character (2 Timothy 2:13). The tenacity of God’s faithfulness can be readily seen in a careful examination of this quotation spoken to Jacob (in Genesis 28:15), the nation of Israel (in Deuteronomy 31:6), Joshua (in Joshua 1:5), and Solomon (in 1 Chronicles 28:20).
- “He Himself”. The use of “Himself” intentionally directs the reader’s attention to the personal nature of this promise which follows. This is a personal guarantee from the living God.
- “I will never leave you.” The Greek could not be more emphatic. Placed at the beginning of the sentence for emphasis and employing a double negative, which means “never”, the intended message is: “I will not ever–under any circumstance–leave you.” The verb translated “leave” denotes the idea of withdrawing a sustaining hand. God will never relax His grip by which He holds your hand.
- “I will never forsake you.” Another double negative at the beginning of the sentence if found in this promise also. “Forsake” is used here in the sense of discontinuing His companionship. No circumstance, regardless of how humbling or hostile it may be, will ever arise in which He deserts you, leaving you in a lurch.
The declaration of God’s timeless, tenacious faithfulness has been paraphrased with these words: “There is absolutely no way whatsoever that I will ever, ever leave you.”
What was true in the days of Jacob, Moses, Joshua, and Solomon is still so today.