Covetous or Content?

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have…” (Hebrews 13:5).


So many things in this life are binary. There are only two options–male or female, lost or saved, God or mammon, heaven or hell, covetous or content.

When it comes to life’s daily necessities, you can either trust in uncertain riches or the living God (1 Timothy 6:17) to provide. You cannot do both (Matthew 6:24).

Purity of faith and heart necessitates the kind of life which eschews covetousness and embraces contentment. Such is possible because of the all-sufficiency of Christ, regardless of your circumstances (Philippians 4:13). Such is possible because of the tenacious faithfulness of Jehovah–He will never leave nor forsake you, regardless of how bleak your life becomes.

Which are you: covetous or content?

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Author: jchowning

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