Biblical faith is rooted in credible evidence and the testimony of reliable eyewitnesses, not myths, legends, or lies.
There are many infallible proofs for belief in the existence of God, the deity of Jesus, and the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. That the Bible is the word of God can be demonstrated by its many predictive prophecies and their precise fulfillment in history. The most frequent focus of the Old Testament’s predictive prophecies is the Messiah. The New Testament writers repeatedly document how Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled these unique and detailed predictions, thus proving Him to be the Christ, the Son of the living God. The fact that the Scriptures contain fulfilled predictive prophecies about the Son of God is clear evidence for the existence of God.
Jesus’ fulfillment of the Scriptures, therefore, is no insignificant matter. It identifies Him as the Son of God, it proves the Bible is the word of God, and it verifies the fact of the existence of God. Consider several of the predictive prophecies recorded hundreds of years prior to Jesus’ exact fulfillment of them:
- He was conceived in the womb of a virgin (Matthew 1:183; Luke 1:30-35) in fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14.
- He was born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:4-6) in fulfillment of Micah 5:2.
- He was taken to Egypt as a young child (Matthew 2:13-15) in fulfillment of Hosea 11:1.
- He grew up in Nazareth in fulfillment of the prophets (Matthew 2:23).
- He had a forerunner to prepare the people for His coming (Luke 1:16-17; Matthew 3:1-3) in fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6 and Isaiah 40:3.
- He moved from Nazareth to Capernaum at the beginning of His ministry (Matthew 4:13) in fulfillment of Isaiah 9:1-2.
- He preached the gospel to the poor and proclaimed liberty to the captives (Luke 4:17-21) in fulfillment of Isaiah 61:1-2.
- He healed the blind, lame, deaf, and leprous (Matthew 11:5) in fulfillment of Isaiah 29:18 and Isaiah 35:4-6.
- He taught in parables (Matthew 13:34) in fulfillment of Psalm 78:2.
- He was betrayed by an intimate associate for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-15) in fulfillment of Psalm 41:9 and Zechariah 11:12.
- He was crucified between two thieves (Mark 15:27-28) in fulfillment of Isaiah 53:12.
- His garments were divided at His crucifixion by casting lots (Matthew 27:35) in fulfillment of Psalm 22:18.
- His body was pierced in His death (John 19:32-34) in fulfillment of Psalm 22:16-17 and Zechariah 12:10.
- He was buried in a rich man’s tomb (John 19:39-41) in fulfillment of Isaiah 53:9.
- He arose the third day after His death (Luke 24:1-6) in fulfillment of Psalm 16:10.
God is. Jesus is the Son of God. The Scriptures are the word of God. Jesus’ fulfillment of the Bible’s many predictive prophecies about Him is infallible proof of these three profound truths.