What Character!

For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens” (Hebrews 7:26).

Character matters.

The more responsibility a person is given the more character matters. Huge catastrophes occur when someone with little character is given great responsibilities.

Because of His impeccable character, the stupendous task of being the new covenant’s lone High Priest is not too great for Christ. This is true, because:

  • Jesus is holy. The word used here (hosios) is different than hagios, another Greek word translated “holy”. All of the Old Testament priests were hagios—i.e., set apart by God to perform sacred responsibilities; but not all priests (see Eli’s sons, for example) were hosios—i.e., righteous, blameless, and pleasing to God when they performed their duties.

  • Jesus is harmless. He lived His entire life in innocence. He never dealt with anyone in a harmful or injurious way.

  • Jesus is undefiled. Just as the Old Testament priests could have no physical impurities, Jesus had no spiritual flaws. No moral impurity in mind, speech, or deed ever marred His soul. He was sinless.

  • Jesus is separate from sinners. Written as a perfect passive participle, the penman’s point here is that with His resurrection, Jesus’ moral and spiritual perfection has become a permanent condition.

  • Jesus has become higher than the heavens. With His ascension forty days after His resurrection, the permanently perfect Christ now ministers as High Priest in a location which cannot be impacted by time or space. Nations rise and fall, centuries arrive and pass, generations come and go and these occurrences on earth have absolutely no effect upon Him and His permanent priesthood.

Holy, harmless, and undefiled in His life and death. Separate from sinners by His resurrection. Higher than the heavens with His ascension. Not only are Jesus’ credentials perfect for the work of High Priest, but His character is also.

What character!

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Author: jchowning

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