Christ’s Aid

He does give aid to the seed of Abraham…He is able to aid those who are tempted” (Hebrews 2:16, 18).

Though it is impossible to tell from this English translation, two different words are used in these verses.

The first—epilambanomai (v. 16)—often includes the idea of having the strength to take hold of another and move him to another location. It is used in the New Testament of: Jesus’ rescue of an imperiled Peter in the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 14:31); Jesus’ moving a child to His side (Luke 9:47); Paul and Silas’ arrest in Philippi (Acts 16:19); and God’s deliverance of Israel out of the land of Egypt (Hebrews 8:9).

What a wonderful word this is when used in the context of Hebrews 2:16. Does Jesus possess sufficient might and power to deliver humans from the horrible phobia of death? YES.

Just as He (while standing on the Sea of Galilee as it was being pummeled by boisterous winds and high waves) could reach down and rescue Peter as he began to sink to the bottom of the lake, Jesus can also break the shackles of death and deliver you from its debilitating dread.

The second word—botheo (v. 18)—carries the idea of one who will run speedily to help another. It is most clearly seen in the tenacious and tender love of a mother who is ever attentive and responsive to a distressed and needy child.

What a wonderful word this is when used in the context of Hebrews 2:18. Does Jesus possess a spirit of concern for His people when they are tormented by life’s trials and temptations? YES.

Just a mother races to the bedside of an ailing child and seeks to immediately address any request her beloved asks of her, Jesus is ready and able to help when you are buffeted by life’s distresses.

Christ’s aid is mighty and powerful—like a father’s. Christ’s aid is prompt and merciful—like a mother’s.

What an aid package!

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Author: jchowning

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