“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3).
Our society percolates with the sanctimonious virtue signaling of “Cancel Culture”. The focus of its rabid intolerance and vigorous intimidation is not unity or peace; it is self-importance and the transformation of a civil society into one ruled by totalitarians. It is the clear antithesis of the spirit essential to unity. Note the godly traits found within Paul’s description above:
- Humility—the modest opinion of self which deliberately seeks to restrain one’s pride and the recurring overestimation of personal importance.
- Meekness—power under control; the intentional restraint and use of one’s strength which results in gentleness towards others.
- Longsuffering—self-restraint in the face of provocation, insult, and mistreatment by others.
- Loving forbearance—patiently enduring another’s childishness and immaturity.
- Diligence in preserving unity—putting forth every effort to not allow another’s faults and shortcomings shipwreck a cause much bigger and far more important than oneself.
Cancel Culture is of the devil.
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace is of God. This worthy effort requires humility, meekness, longsuffering, loving forbearance, and diligent effort.
Biblical unity is no accident.