Praying When Overwhelmed by Life

       Psalm 143 clearly indicates that David is up to his eyeballs in difficulties.  Feeling overwhelmed, incredibly lonely, and crushed beneath the oppressive onslaught of our common foe, David spread out his arms like a frightened child beseeching for a parent’s care and comfort. …

Like a Thirsty Land

       Because of their latitude, there are some places in this world which only have two seasons—dry and rainy.  In Africa, for example, the winter months of July, August, and September have no rain.  Wells dry up.  Rivers evaporate and disappear.  Dust is king. …

When Life Overwhelms

       The “EASY” button was a brilliant advertising idea.  It readily connects to that part of each person’s psyche which prefers life to be far less stressful and far more convenient than it is.  Because the “EASY” button is fictional, anyone feeling overwhelmed by…

Overwhelmed by Life

       I learned recently of a speaker who told her audience that Christians ought always to be optimistic.  She explained that Elijah’s negativity and pessimism after his titanic battle with the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18-19) was unacceptable to her.  Though tolerated compassionately…

In the Sight of the Righteous God

       “I don’t see anything wrong with it.”  How often that foolish statement has been used as the standard to justify a person’s actions.  “Behold, I thought” kept General Naaman a leper (2 Kings 5:1-11) and Saul of Tarsus a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent…

God’s Faithfulness and Righteousness

        Two important pillars of prayer are God’s faithfulness and righteousness.  David begins Psalm 143 by touching on both these foundational matters.  He writes: “Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications!  In Your faithfulness answer me, and in Your righteousness do not enter…

All who Desire to Live Godly Lives

       From the days of Cain and Abel to the end of time, all who desire to live godly lives will suffer persecution and mistreatment from the ungodly.  Psalms 140-144 are five psalms ascribed to David; each is written while he was in the…